Health Matters
Health Matters
This website was originally created on Wix it has now moved to
“Health Matters” is a phrase that can be taken many ways. “Matters” can be used as a verb or a noun. The Health Matters website seeks to discuss matters of health because health really matters.
The Health Matters website was originally created to archive and supplement articles I have submitted for a local newspaper or content I had placed on social media.
The platform for the original website is on The main website is now, however I will be using the original wix website for some of the supporting content.
The Health Matters website/blog will explore matters of health. I will share information about medicine, nutrition, physical fitness and more. To keep things fun I will sprinkle in bits about recreation, music, history, travel and other matters of interest.
All statements in this website should be attributed to myself, not any organization I represent or my employer.
Go to to find a location to get vaccinated.