Fitness and Sports Medicine Resources
General Fitness
Recommended internet resource by the American College of Sports Medicine
Website with lots of great information on fitness and sports medicine
Information for kids and adults starting a fitness program as well as advice for more advanced training programs
Starting a Fitness Program
Exercise Readiness Questionnaire
Starting on the Right Foot
Start slow, progress gradually and safely.
Aerobic Activity / “Cardio” Conditioning
ExRx has programs from basic walking programs to training for advanced marathon runners
Interval Training / High Intensity Interval Training / Short Sprint Interval Training
Strength Training
Lifts for each muscle group found in the exercise directory
Stretching and Flexibility
Specific stretches found in the exercise directory
Exercise and Weight Management
Use exercise to help in losing fat
Kinesiology (the study of movement)
Fitness Injuries
ExRx information available by subscription